Losing weight effectively with crosstrainer

Losing weight effectively with crosstrainer

Crosstrainers can do much more than just warm you up before the sport. The cardio classic is the perfect choice to effectively kill kilos

Some fitness machines in the gym have a slightly dusty image. The crosstrainer is one of the machines that many – maybe you too? – can’t attribute a big effect on fitness. They sometimes use it to warm up and then quickly rush to the barbell area or the next course. But that doesn’t do him justice. Used correctly, the ergometer is a miracle weapon for fat burning, improves your condition and trains your sense of balance and coordination – whether in the gym or as an exercise bike in your own living room. Reason enough to take a closer look at the device. We clarify the most important questions for you:

What are the benefits of training on the crosstrainer?

Basically, the motion sequence on a crosstrainer is similar to running, but much easier on the joints. When jogging, the joints have to cushion the entire body weight with every step. The gliding movement on the crosstrainer saves you this shock load. The crosstrainer also uses the whole body. This means that all large muscle groups such as legs, trunk and arms work and burn calories properly. This makes training on the crosstrainer an intensive endurance workout.

How high is the calorie consumption on the crosstrainer?

A 170 centimeter tall and 65 kilo heavy woman burns about 500 calories per hour on the crosstrainer. Thanks to the guided, ergonomic motion sequence, crosstrainers are a good choice, especially for fitness beginners. After all, the whole body is strengthened and losing weight is easy due to the high calorie consumption.

But also for runners the indoor endurance training on the crosstrainer is a good alternative program during the winter season, when it is cold and smooth outside. The great thing about many machines is that you can change not only the resistance but also the incline. Thus the Cardio classic offers the best conditions for a crisp interval workout that makes you sweat properly.

What is the difference between crosstrainers and elliptical trainers?

They look very similar, but there are a few differences. At first glance, you can tell the difference between crosstrainers and elliptical trainers by the position of the flywheel mass. The magnetic flywheel is usually located at the back of the crosstrainer and at the front of the elliptical trainer; this makes the movement flatter and longer.

The motion sequence on the elliptical trainer is therefore more similar to that of walking, while the sequence on the crosstrainer is similar to that of jogging. The feet draw an almost round ellipse shape so that the whole body moves up and down with every step. The feet can remain completely on the pedals. With the elliptical trainer, the circle drawn by the feet is rather elongated. This keeps the ups and downs off, but the heels may lift off the pedals.

How fast and how long should I train on the crosstrainer to burn fat?

How fast you should train on the crosstrainer depends on your pulse. It is often said that optimal fat burning takes place at 60 to 70 percent of the maximum heart rate. To calculate the maximum heart rate, subtract your age from 220. A 25-year-old would thus have a maximum heart rate of 195 beats per minute and optimal fat burning in the pulse range of 117 to 137 beats per minute – theoretically.

Because in practice the heart rate cannot simply be calculated. Every body is different and reacts differently to a load. While one person can chat easily while jogging, the other starts panting at the same speed. Therefore, this personal optimum pulse for fat burning can only be determined by a complex performance diagnosis (spiroergometry). But: It is a myth that fat burning only starts at a certain speed or training duration. Already from the first minute on the crosstrainer your body burns energy.

The amount of energy it draws from carbohydrates or stored fat deposits is ultimately not decisive for your bodyfat reduction goal, because losing weight is all about the calorie deficit. Nevertheless, the pace plays a role. Because if you train at a pace that you can maintain longer, your body will burn longer (i.e. more) calories. Feel your way to your personal pace, try to increase it slowly and don’t let the so-called “fat burning pulse” unsettle you – there is no such thing.

The 4 most common mistakes when training on the crosstrainer

#1 The hip wobbles back and forth

Keep the hips straight, do not swing back and forth and dodge to the sides. Shoulders and hips form a line.

#2 You make a hollow back

If you extend your bottom too far behind you, your upper body will bend far forward and your centre of gravity will shift. Therefore: Always stay upright.

#3 The heels lift off

In order for your bottom and thighs to benefit from your workout, the entire sole of your foot should always be on the pedals when exercising on the crosstrainer. Lifting the heels and running only on the ball of the foot will increase the load on the forefoot.

#4 You are reading on the crosstrainer

If you try to read on the crosstrainer while training, you immediately take a crooked position to decipher the letters. Also, you can’t see the display when a book is lying on it. You may want to postpone reading until later and listen to an audio book or motivating music instead. In many studios you can also watch TV from the crosstrainer. But don’t lose sight of your training goal!


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